Instructions for operating the system

Dear web users, we have prepared a simple guide on how to operate system features. Please before you use it carefully. You can also try the DEMO system, but please, do not change user information. All services are completely free, we will be glad if you use our system and possibly tell us what you would like to improve.

How to register?

On the left below the logging site, click on "Create New Account" (or click here) and fill in the requested information. The e-mail your completed, then the information to complete the registration (activate your account). Then it is enough to login using your email and chosen password.

Forgot your password?

Never mind, just in the left section of the site click on "Forgot password" (or here) and fill in your email which is sent a new password.

Creating links to control

After logging in you left click "My pages (webs)" where you can create your own nezpočetné of sites where you will want to check the links leading from other pages on your site (web).

First and foremost is always to create your site that have direct links from sites with which they are exchanging links, the next step to add this site links.

Create your own website:

  • Select the top right of the "New Page"
  • Fill in Name, URL (with http:// and can not), select the control time (in the selected interval will be sent information letters about the status of site)
  • Send e-mail box if you want to send information about your web mail
  • Measure active. On Measuring keep checked every time you check the links on the site, if not checked, the measurement is suspended

Creating links to check:

  • First of all, select the site links you want to assign. To do so, click on the site name in a table dump sites. Once you get to the section for adding links.
  • Select the upper right to select one of the two buttons "Add link" or "Add more links" to form by adding simple.
    • Add link: to form by adding simple.
      - URL link to a page from which checks the status of your link
      - The shape of a link to my site: link name to check (eg, the name under which you link to that page)
      - Cross URL link from my site: used for the cross link exchange. To be completed only if it is not a replacement A »B, but an exchange of A» B »C
      - The shape of the link from my site: link name for cross-exchange
      - Name: Contact the website owner (name)
      - E-mail: e-mail to the website owner (in this mail is then sent information about broken links)
      - Phone: phone on the website owner
      - Note: Any note your reference to that
    • Add links in bulk: this is one common example of adding links or other CSV files. It is necessary to follow the following instructions. The individual fields from each must be separated; The links must be on a new line. Eg.:; list;;, Mr. Blobby, karel@xx.xx;, (unless you want to fill in some fields, you do not, however, must be left blank and separate as well;)

Link Checker

Now we come to check the links as such. After logging in and entering the section "My pages (webs)" you can see the status of all your web sites to which reference you selected links from other sites. In the table you always have a printed name, URL, Status, Time and event control.

  • Name: name of your web
  • URL: url of your web
  • Status: if all the links in the site is OK, the light green text "in order". Otherwise, the red light 'wrong'
  • Control: is the information about how often you send e-mails on the state website
  • Action: used to edit the website or its removal

Next we come to detailed control of the site. If you click on the name of your site, get into a detailed statement, where sleep all links from other sites, which are directed to your site. The table will have items:

  • Link: url is a link that directs to your site
  • Name: The link name (usually choose the name under which the link appears on the Web)
  • Status: informs you, the state of the link. They can occur following options:
    - OK: the link is on the web and in order
    - Found: a link to the site occur (if the link is not found, icon email, which automatically sends an email the owner of a foreign site and highlights it on broken link from its site on yours.)
    - Nofollow link to the site, although it is, but it has a tag contained "nofollow" which serves to make him a robot and then you ignored or did not submit any rank
  • Cross change: here is the information link to the site, with him performing a cross-exchange
  • Info: displays the contacts and notes
  • Action: used to edit and delete the reference

At the top then you click on the link checker manual "check now" to immediately check all your links of the site.

Log into the system

Not logged in

Create new account

Lost password

Show / Demo

To see the show, how the system works on another site, log into the account of these data

PASS: demo

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